Starting 27.5.2012, I’ve used Efficas Care for asthma for my daughter [beside Olivenol Plus]. I’m not really sure whether it’s good or not for my baby. I can get it free because I’m joining their survey on this natural product. Plus, I want to avoid all steroid products (like inhaler, etc). I stop Olivenol Plus also for a while for this purpose.
My boss said : Wahhh.. What an effort!! So many products u tried on your daughter.
YES.. AS MUCH AS I CAN.. NEVER GIVEUP! Kalau dah anak asik sakit, jangan dok diam ok? Hehehehe
What they said:
We have a small supply of Efficas Care in our possession. Have been giving them out to parents with asthmatic kids (from mild to severe) and all have reverted with clear noticeable improvements after the first 2 weeks. Less wheezing, less tight chesty cough, less dependence on inhalers and nebulizers. Airways are expanded and normal breathing can occur.
It should be taken as a daily supplement to remodulate leukotriene production in ppl who are predisposed to asthma and other allergies (including rhinitis). But we wish to focus only asthma as the key message for now.
The product is an emulsion of borage oil and anchiovies oil (fish) comes in bottle si 240ml and based on the recommended dosage will last:
between 2- 6 yrs old – 80 days
between 6-12 yrs old – 40 days
adults and children above 12 yrs old – 15 days
The product will eventually be retailed at RM 169.
Product may not be suitable for those with allergy to Soy and Fish.
So, setiap hari Mommy kena jawab soklan kat survey form. Demi kepentingan anak, Mommy xnak malas untuk tengok perubahan beliau.
Week # _1_
1. (Enter dates) [TARIKH TIAP2 HARI]
2. Check if test product swallowed √ [konfem telan tak?]
3. Bronchodilator use (# of times each day) [brp kali guna ventolin/steretide]
4. Night wakening due to asthma (# of times each night) [brp kali terkejut mlm kena asthma]
5. Asthma Attacks (#) [brp kali serangan asthma]
Kalau xde, jawab 0. Hehehehe
27052012 – dek kesibukan & keterlupaan, only malam td i start bg Hannah. ermm, i x sure samada dia letih melampau sbb siang smlm mmg sgt memenatkan & panas kt luar, so mlm td nyenyak sgt tdo. slalunya, beliau akan bangun & nangis in wc time tu mmg time nak susu. but mlm td, xde nangis.. dia cuma mcm bgerak2 badan je & x bgn. is it bcoz of Efficas?? i dh x guna salbutamol & seretide utk sementara ni. keep pantau.
28052012 – malam ke 2 iaitu malam td. mgkn sbb tdo lewat kot. Kul 1230 tgh mlm. nyenyak sgt jugak. x bgn nangis. hehehe [nak buktikan samada sebab efficas care atau bukan]. mana tau lps makan, rasa selesa kn? hehehe. keep pantau jugak!
29052012 – hari ke 3 pn sama gak. my hubby said, eh hannah now mcm jarang bgn tgh mlm n dah x nangis ttba dah. er.. mcm efek efficas jugak nih. xpe..pantau lagi. hiak hiak
dan seterusnya..
(kalau nak tulis keadaan setiap hari boleh je, tapi kang panjang sangat cerita. hehe)
Mommy bagi HD minum Efficas nih abes sebotol. Kendian, dapat botol ke 2 plak. Rezeki anak Mommy, HD. Alhamdulillah. Jarang sangat dah kalau tengok sejak Mommy balik kampung untuk bersalin baru nih (Disember 2012) sampai sekarang. Baru2 nih terjangkit demam kat nursery. Itu pn, 2 hari je in which memang x pernah berlaku. Selalunya mesti demam lamaaaa sangat.
Asal anak Mommy dah nampak mcm flu, batuk atau ada demam, Mommy awal2 dah kasi supplemen ini.
Ini ikhtiar dan usaha Mommy. Selepas tu, doa & tawakkal la..
So, Mommies suma yang nak control asma, boleh la cuba lawati FB & Webpage dorang.
Assalamualaikum, sorry for asking if my daughter pn dh bnyk kali kne warded n neb salbutamol/ventolin pn bnyk kli dh guna coz bronchitis and latest pneumonia doktor pn dh on singulair dlm 6mgu utk kuatkn paru2,prednisone pn guna abis je ubat n faktor cuaca ,demam batuk dia pn berjangkit … umur ank sy skrg 1thn 6 bulan, sesuai x klo bg this supplement ??
ssuai puan..