Remember, you will probably only manage to have baby eat 1/2 of the tablespoon sized portion the very first times you begin solids.
WEEK 1 Try 1 tablespoon for the first feedings.
WEEK 2 Continue with feeding small amounts as baby will still be getting used to solid foods
WEEK 3 Continue feeding small amounts.
WEEK 4 Baby may be on a wider variety of foods now. Try mixing those acceptable foods.
WEEK 5 Offer these foods for 3 or 4 days then move to another food
Offer these foods for 3 or 4 days then move to another food
Nurse your baby or offer formula bottles before solid foods. Offer solids from 1/2 hour to 1 hour after breast or bottle. Formula and/or Breast Milk are more important than solid foods when baby is starting solids.
Start solids in the morning or mid-afternoon. If your baby has any type of reaction, either allergic or with tummy troubles, you will have all day to deal with it.
Starting solids at bedtime runs the risk of disrupting baby’s sleeping schedule as her body learns to digest the new foods.
Posted via Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus