Most parents eagerly await their 5-year-old’s major milestones. From bathing to breakfast, watch your child blossom as she masters each one.
Cognitive development
Talking milestone
What to expect your kindergartner to achieve by the end of the year:
- Uses past, present, and future tenses accurately
- Recalls and can repeat a sentence of at least eight words
- Talks in complex sentences that often run together
Social and emotional development
Separation and independence milestone
What to expect your kindergartner to achieve by the end of the year:
- Shows more interest in peers and adults outside the family
- Tests the limits of his independence — sometimes to the point of being rude
Physical development
Self-care milestone
What to expect your kindergartner to achieve by the end of the year:
- Ties shoelaces
- May show interest in taking a bath on her own
- Makes her bed
Self-sufficiency in the bathroom
What to expect your kindergartner to achieve by the end of the year:
- Stays dry almost all the time
- Handles toileting needs on his own
- Still needs supervision in public bathrooms for safety reasons
Regards, Mommy Hannah Damia & Ariq Emir