Alhamdulillah.. Ariq Emir dah 8 bulan..
Kakak pulak dah 2 tahun 10 bulan.. Cepatnyaaaaa
Ajaibnya.. Hannah makan pasta nih di kala umur nih. Selepas struggle xmo mkn. Aduyai..
Ololo.. kena buli..
Bangun sahur segar bugar di kala cecah 8 bulan. hish.. p tidoq la..
Jom tengok apa patut kita expect masa 8 bulan
More strength and better skills
Your child is even stronger, and can hold himself upright on his legs when supported.
He can sit up by himself (but watch that he doesn’t topple over).
Your child can now hold objects between his thumb and forefinger, and move them from one hand to the other.
He also looks around for objects he has lost.
Keep an eye out for danger
Remember to protect the sharp corners of coffee tables.
Protect electrical sockets using socket covers.
Put all your cleaning products and medicines well out of reach.
Don’t leave dried fruits, small sweets or other dangerous objects within his reach.
He is beginning to assert his identity
He is becoming more aware of his own identity, and is eager to let you know. Even if it means screaming until you take notice of him!
Mirror, mirror on the wall… he loves looking in the mirror, admiring his own movements and funny faces.
In time, he will explore different ranges of behaviours and expressions; from cuddly to temperamental,
from smiley to grumpy. He will also show more interest in other children.
Your child’s dietary capabilities
Your child is now able to wait a short while before satisfying his hunger. You can space out his meals a little.
Your child is getting better at coordinating his swallowing and breathing.
He is curious about everything. He loves making new discoveries, and his newfound abilities will help him do just that. Make the most of this phase to develop his diet.
Physical Accomplishments
Mobility brings out your child’s unique personality
Suddenly, you may notice your child ignoring a toy that was once a favourite. Or perhaps a new toy doesn’t get a second glance. What’s going on? It’s probably a matter of timing. Your little one usually focuses on only one thing at a time, so when their attention is caught up in physical achievements like crawling, sitting up or cruising, interest in toys will vary. Every child has a unique rhythm of activity. Close observation will help you find the “hot” activity of the moment for your little one. Indulge it. For example, if your child’s newfound passion is crawling, provide a safe environment with lots of room to crawl and explore. Roll a toy across the floor for your child to chase after. Let your child try new experiences, then watch as a unique individual emerges.
Cognitive Skills/Everyday Learning
“Now you see it, now you don’t” stimulates thinking
When you play peek-a-boo or choose toys with hidden surprises, you’re helping your little one understand the permanence of unseen objects while you stimulate memory. Another game—“What’s Different?”—can encourage your child’s budding ability to recognize when something is missing or added. Show your child one stuffed animal, then hide it behind your back. Now come out with two or three. Put the animals behind you again and bring out only one. Even your child will notice the difference if one toy isn’t there, almost as if they were counting. By arousing your child’s natural thinking skills, you’ll be equipping your little one to make sense of the world and work through little challenges.
Social/Emotional Development
Interacting with toys fosters self-expression
When your child makes things happen with a toy—presses an animal, rings a bell, opens a door, drops something down a chute—her mind gains something new to think about. At first, your child may be unsure about working the levers and dials on an activity toy. Later, she’ll push them to the limits. She might repeat the same motion several times or add a playful variation. As your child starts to take more control of the action, new discoveries will help her learn to anticipate surprises and express ideas.
Toys with music add another dimension to play. Your little one loves to babble along with a tuneful toy—a great form of self-expression. Soon, the way your child plays becomes as unique and personal as speech. By providing toys and playthings that encourage your child to make things happen, you can create many opportunities to nurture self-expression and build self-confidence.
Tq sudi baca. Regards, Mommy Hannah Damia & Ariq Emir