Thu. Feb 13th, 2025


7th month
Alhamdulillah. Sekarang AE sudah pn berusia 7 bulan..
Kakak yang sayang sangat2 kat adik. Kakak plak dah 2 tahun 9 bulan..
AE dah makan dah. Nak tau AE makan apa? Semuanya air tangan Mommy sahaja. Homemade Food for HDAE ada tunjuk apa yang beliau n kakak makan. Jemput lah ke sana..
Homemade Food For HDAE
Gambar di Klinik Azizah untuk vaksin 6 bulan (lambat sebulan)
Ok.. Jom kaji..
Your child is just entering his 7th month. He can crawl around, hold toys with a firm grip, and will look around for them if he loses them. His relationship with people around him is getting stronger by the day. He can recognise faces he hasn’t seen for a long time. – TRUE
A fast developing muscle system
He can now push himself up on his hands or elbows to sit up straight. – TRUE
He can also roll over from his tummy to his back. – TRUE
He can stand straight for a few moments and jiggle on the spot if you stand him up, hold his hands or hold under his arms.– TRUE
His communication skills are also developing fast
He’s sensitive to voices and intonations, and will turn to look for the face of the person who is talking. – TRUE
He understands perfectly well what “NO” means, so this is the time to lay down the foundation stones of his education. – TRUE. OK.
He can make himself understood to you, especially if the message refers to hunger! – TRUE
He is aware of the sounds he can produce and is fascinated by his own babbling. Listen to your child and encourage him.– TRUE. OK.
His first tooth — ouch! – NOT YET
His first tooth is not far off now, and with it, maybe a little touch of fever. It is also time to be prepared for his first cold and ear infection.
Your child can be a bit cranky. Take him in your arms and give him a cuddle. You can give his gums a gentle massage to relieve his pain.
It is quite common to see children of this age sucking and chewing away at objects.
Your child’s dietary capabilities
Thanks to his new abilities, your child will be able to gradually discover a wider range and variety of foods. – TRUE. [REFER Homemade Food for HDAE]
Your child can control the movements of his tongue and lips better. – OK
He can move food from the front of his mouth to the back. He can now swallow better.
His digestive system has matured. – TRUE. OK.
Even if his first tooth has yet to come out, he is able to move gradually from runny textures through smooth pastes to more solid, coarsely chopped foods. – TRUE.
Tq sudi baca. Regards, Mommy Hannah Damia & Ariq Emir

By YB Shehan

YB Shehan merupakan penulis blog Mommy's Diary of Life ( Merupakan bekas pelajar jurusan undang-undang di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIA) dan kini bergelar blogger sepenuh masa.

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