10th month
Your child is just entering his 10th month. He has now spent as long a time outside your tummy as he did inside. And his progress remains startling, both in physical and mental activities.
Agile and adventurous
He is not scared of the staircase. He’ll keep you busy by crawling up on all fours and on his bottom when coming down. Be sure to always keep an eye on him. -rumah xde tangga. tapi dah pndai berdiri sendiri masa 9 bulan lebih dengan mencapai sofa
He is beginning to stand straight on his legs. If you support him, he may well start to take a few steps, but don’t push things too fast, there’s plenty of time. -terer dah
At this age, your child can grab hold of pretty much everything, so do be careful to ensure that anything dangerous is well out of reach. -betul tu T_T ligat
Focused and attentive
As he finds it easier to put objects together and concentrate on more than one thing at once, your child can play by himself for quite awhile. But don’t forget to keep a watchful eye on him, especially if he is not safe in his playpen. And don’t deprive yourself of the pleasure of playing with him; he loves sharing these moments of joy and togetherness with you. -noted
Now that your child is starting to associate more than one syllable together, you can try to get him to repeat a word or two. Which one of you is going to be the proudest when he says his first “Mummy” or “Daddy”? -for sure Mommy, tapi dia sebut kakak je.. T_T
Sometimes a daydreamer, sometimes a sulker, always a delight
Because your child is curious and attentive to everything that’s going on around him, it can sometimes be a surprise to see him looking so dreamy. Make the most of these moments of calm before he starts demanding for your attention again! -noted
Your child’s mood can vary greatly from one moment to the next. He is developing his character and will shift quickly between demands for a cuddle and signs of irritation at you. You’ll need to find a balance; don’t always say “yes” because he needs to find out what the limits are. -noted
Your child’s dietary capabilities
He is getting better at chewing; he can swallow those small soft pieces even more easily now. -true
His sense of taste is developing and becoming more refined. He is more sensitive to different flavours and likes more and more elaborate dishes.-true
He is starting to take hold of objects between his thumb and forefinger. As a result, he will often take small pieces of food and eat them with his fingers.-true but sgt jarang
Physical Accomplishments
“There’s no stopping me now!” -haha..true. plus, kuat bebai!!
Get ready. Your child is on the verge of incredible physical achievements, and you won’t want to miss a minute of the excitement! -noted
As your child starts to pull up, stand and cruise, you’ll want to make sure your home is ready for new levels of exploration to take place with an extra measure of safety. It’s a good time to put away loose tablecloths or decorative objects your child could accidentally pull down. Provide sturdy toys that help him stand, with exciting rewards to motivate those new skills. A sturdy, push-along walker can be just the thing to steady first steps. Remember, small successes and increasing coordination will strengthen your child’s sense of identity and confidence, nudging him toward that most exciting milestone: independent walking! -noted
Cognitive Skills/Everyday Learning
“Now you see it, now you don’t” stimulates thinking
When you play peek-a-boo or choose toys with hidden surprises, you’re helping your child understand the permanence of unseen objects while you stimulate memory. Another game—“What’s Different?”—can encourage your child’s budding ability to recognize when something is missing or added. Show your little one stuffed animal, then hide it behind your back. Now come out with two or three. Put the animals behind you again and bring out only one. Even young children will notice the difference if one toy isn’t there, almost as if they were counting. By arousing your child’s natural thinking skills, you’ll be equipping your child to make sense of the world and work through little challenges.
Social/Emotional Development
“Coaching inspires child’s sense of individuality”
With your child’s improving physical abilities, you both might have fun with a first “sport” like rolling a large ball to each other, seated on the floor with legs apart. For more of a challenge, try child-friendly sports sets based on the real action of baseball, basketball, bowling, and other games. Children may not understand they’re playing a sport, of course, but they thoroughly enjoy the interaction with you — and respond eagerly to being cheered on to score a goal!
One-on-one play with you or others will help your child feel he has achieved something special. And that will go a long way toward supporting confidence and independence, as well as laying the groundwork for the rewards of being part of a team.
11th month
Your child is starting his 11th month. It’s a transitional time for him, physically, emotionally and intellectually. For you, it’s time to set down the foundations of his education, including learning, games and motivation.
Playing and learning
Your child is trying out a new technique to get around — sitting on his bottom and pushing himself along with his hands.
He can lift the lid off a box. If it is a box containing a toy or something completely harmless, encourage him. But be careful because he’ll try to open any old box.
He can hold a pen and scribble with it.
He can point at the object he wants to play with.
In the bathtub or when you’re dressing him, teach him to recognise certain parts of his body. He’ll be proud to point to his nose, feet and mouth.
Obeying and daring
He is able to obey simple instructions such as “come” or “catch”.
When you’re sitting together with a book, let your child participate by turning the pages; there’s no better way to instil a love of books. This is an important stage on the road to his future pleasure in reading.
Your child may want to try out his first few steps on his own, especially if he knows of other children around his own age who have already taken the great leap. If he does, congratulate him, but if he doesn’t, just let him go at his own pace.
The joys and surprises of education
It is not always easy to forbid your child from doing something, especially if he cries as soon as you say “no”.
But this is something you have to do. You need to set limits to structure your child’s identity.
Always bear in mind that your child wants nothing more than to please you and make you proud of him. If you encourage and congratulate him when he does something good, he is more likely to accept it better when you lay down the law.
Your child’s dietary capabilities
He is starting to drink out of a glass. Give him a plastic drinking cup that is specially designed for children. New teeth begin to appear, again with wide variations between different children.
His physical progress means that he can eat with you at the table. He can sit up straight in his high chair and be part of your family meals.
Eating at the table is an important step on the road to growing up. Your child will be as proud as a peacock.
Physical Accomplishments
“Look at me!”
Your child is rightfully proud of the physical milestones he’s achieved! And he’s likely to be pleased by the growing independence that accompanies increasing mobility and coordination. As physical skills continue to improve, your child will want to move around more and will enjoy having better control of the action. Sit nearby as he plays, and take turns trying different features or activating sounds and lights on a toy, so he can experiment with action-reaction. Better coordination and balance could mean it’s a good time for a ride-on toy. Climbing on and off, pushing forward and back—such actions strengthen leg muscles right along with motor skills. And of course, the thrill of getting from one place to another fosters a spirit of independence.
Language Development
With the increasing independence of the one-year milestone comes increased expressiveness.
Your little one may enjoy expressing herself in the way she controls a toy, making unique things happen such as starting a song or making lights twinkle. You’ll also notice improving communication skills, as your child understands much of what you say now and might repeat many words and phrases. Language skills develop in a number of ways – by hearing you talk, read and sing, but also through playing with toys that offer rich auditory experiences and a variety of music, sounds and speech to explore.
As children grow, they learn that sounds join together to form words, words become sentences, and sentences combine to turn into stories. So talk to your child often, identifying things you see and actions you both make. Read together and point to the pictures. Enjoy the give-and-take of “conversation.” Share the joys of language every day!
Cognitive Skills/Everyday Learning
With a good sense of humor now, your one-year old is likely to delight you with frequent laughter.
Children of this age also like to find hidden objects, now that they’re able to make the brain connection that something was here … and now it isn’t! They’ll even move one object to reach another that was hidden from view. An understanding of predictability—combined with an element of surprise—will keep them engaged with a toy.
When you play together, give your child a clue that something exciting is about to occur. Build the excitement—and cognitive skills—by asking, “What do you think is going to happen?”
Since they also enjoy routine and can follow simple directions, this is a good time to recruit a helper! Give them a chance to imitate simple household routines. Imitation is the first step toward imaginative play—a whole new way of learning and discovering.
Regards, Mommy Hannah Damia & Ariq Emir