Ayat cam pasrah lepas tengok email dari Friendster.
Tq for your BELATED WISH.. ngeh ngeh.. [BELATED sbb Mommy yang terlewat tengok. Dorang post on time jer..]
Happy Birthday, SHEHAN ISMAIL!
We hope we made you
Sadis sebab Mommy x sempat nak kaut balik semua gambar yg ada dlm Friendster.. Sah2 la Friendster dulu tu gambar2 terpilih & terhebakkk je yang kita pilih & upload kan? Macam FB nowadays la.. Kalau nak masuk segala gambar, jenuh la.. Banyak!!
So.. Friendster skrg dah lain dah..
Friendster is the social gaming destination of choice. Connect and play with your friends & share your progress with your network.
Tengok!! Dah jadi tempat play online game free dah.. Sadis.. Sadis..