Satu masalah besar yang Mommy hadapi sejak bersalinkan Ariq Emir ialah, kakak HD yang susah nak tido malam. Xtau la apa yang menyebabkan beliau susah sangat nak lelap mata.
gambar hiasan: satu malam tetiba beliau cakap “mommy..nak tido” |
Perkara ni Mommy perasan masa dalam pantang kat kampung. Ya Allah.. Susahnya nak suruh beliau tido. Even letak dalam gelap sekalipun. Memang amek masa. Masa tu, atuk beliau siap marah Mommy sbb dok paksa kakak tido.
“kakak..pejam mata”
“kakak..cepat tido”
“kakak..ngantuk la. tido laaaaa”
kena marah. nangis. pujuk balik. x jugak tido. hoih. last2 memang Mommy kena ikut ckp atuk. Biar je dia.. Nanti tertido sendiri. Betul. Memang tertido sendiri. Haih.
Kalau sebelum tu, senang gila. Suh masuk bilik, sambil tkial2 panjat katil bujang beliau tu, minum susu terus zzzzzzzzzzzz. Tapi tu la.. sejak hampir setahun nih, macam tu habit dia. Susah sangat. Aiseh.. Apa x kena xtau la..
So, Mommy cari tips. Harap leh apply.
- Watch food & drink consumption
- Large meals can make it difficult to sleep, so give your child some time between dinner and bedtime to digest. Make sure your child stays away from sweets before bedtime and has no caffeine at least six hours prior to going to sleep. >>xle makan b4 8pm. selalu buat gitu.. time maghrib dah siap2 makan.
- Make the bedroom enjoyable
- Your child’s room should be a place of comfort, joy, and relaxation – a place that she wants to spend time. The temperature should be comfortable, and her clothes and blankets shouldn’t restrict movement. >>kena deco la nih.. daddyyyyyy!!!
- Turn off the electronics
- Studies have shown that kids who have televisions and computers in their rooms have a tendency to get less sleep than those who do not. The best solution is to remove these electronics from bedrooms, but if that’s not possible, set a strict turn-off time. >>ni xde prob sebab bila cakap, “kakak..jom tido”, dia akan laju je angkat seluar, masuk toilet, basuh kaki, masuk bilik, minum susu.. ermmmm
- Establish a nightime routine
- Create a routine that’s enjoyable and that your child will associate with bedtime. It should be a manageable length of time, about 20 to 30 minutes a night, and can involve elements that you and your child deem important (bath, story, cuddling, lights out, etc). Relaxing books offer a wonderful way to set the mood and to show your child the value of reading. >>kena start ajar bedtime story lah.. ada buku bes nih nak baca.. (mommy selalu lupa pasal nak jadi story teller sebab selalu masuk tido time adik dah nak tdo sgt2. aiseh)
- Provide tools to overcome worries
- These can include a flashlight, a spray bottle filled with “monster spray,” or a large stuffed animal to “protect” her. >>kena create sesuatu untuk fight ‘cicak’. kes cicak nih start kt nursery. lepas warning dorg jangan momokkan dgn kes cicak, skrg dah x pnh sebut dah.
- Peace & Quiet
- Avoid stimulating activities after dinner. This isn’t the time for a game of ball or loud playing. It’s a time to relax, sing songs, listen to music, or talk about your day. >>no play2 hard2.. hee
- Option
- Warn your child that bedtime is in five minutes, or give him a choice — “Do you want to go to bed now or in five minutes?” — but do this only once. >>so far xde masalah nak ajak tido. ajak ok. pejam mata xnak. ermm
- No Singing or rocking
- Avoid singing or rocking your child to sleep, because if she wakes in the middle of the night she may need you to sing or rock her back to sleep — a condition known as sleep-onset association disorder. (If you have already been doing this, try to phase this behavior out gradually.) Instead, have her get used to falling asleep with a transitional object, like a favorite blanket or stuffed animal. >>zikir xpe. heee
- If walk out
- If your child comes out of her room after you’ve put her to bed, walk her back and gently but firmly remind her that it’s bedtime. >>kalau dah nangis sebab xmau tido, normally Mommy yang ajak keluar jap & tanya kakak nak apa? nak susu lagi ke? nak apa? selalu jarang ada jawapan. Haihhh
- Reward system
- Set up a reward system. Each night your child goes to bed on time and stays there all night, she gets a star. After three stars, give her a prize. >>Nih contoh star chart. Kena print & apply. Tapi, Mommy sebenarnya x berapa suka jns reward2 selepas berbuat sesuatu. Kang jadi habit lak. acaner.. hmmm
Sekarang nih, kena cakap macam2 untuk suruh dia tido. Even Mommy dah tetapkan jam 10.30 paling lewat untuk tido, biar Mommy tinggal dia untuk tido sendiri, atau Mommy teman dia nak tido sekalipun (co-sleeping), mata tetap xmo pejam jugak. Haihhhhh..
So, Mommy tengok tips kat Patti Teel nih plak psl “Relaxation Tips”
Relaxation techniques for children
1. Guided Relaxation (Progressive Relaxation)
2. Attending to the Breath
3. Creative Visualization (Imagery)
Guided Relaxation
- Children are wonderfully receptive to guided relaxation. If often helps if children are taught to tense and relax each of their muscle groups, a techniques known as progressive relaxation. Progressive relaxation can help children relax and prepare for sleep. It can also give them greater poise, self control, and an overall comfort with their bodies.
- Make a muscle with both arms and show me how strong you are.
- Hold your fists tight. Keep showing me your strong muscles.
- Hold it, hold it, and relax.
- Now wrinkle up your face so that it looks like a raisin.
- Wrinkle your forehead as you tightly close your eyes. Hold, hold, hold; now relax.
- Open your mouth as wide as you can. Wider, wider, wider; now relax.
- Bring your shoulders all the way up to your ears.
- Hold it, hold it, hold it. Relax.
- As you take in a deep breath, pull your shoulders so far back that they try to touch each other.
- Hold it, hold it, hold it. Relax.
- Take a deep breath in and push your belly out. Hold it, hold it. Relax.
Attending to the Breath
- Children are naturally fascinated by their own breathing, just getting quiet and paying attention to it is extremely soothing. Breathing connects the body and mind, focusing attention, relaxing muscles, and quieting the mind.
- Directions:
- Simply direct your child to be so quiet—that he can hear and feel his own breath. (You may wish to do the same)
Balloon Breathing (Also called diaphragmatic breathing, belly breathing, or deep breathing)
- If you watch babies breathe, you will notice that they breathe deeply and that their entire belly rises and falls with each breath. However, by age six, most children have already become shallow breathers.
- Directions:
- Lie down on the floor. Place one of your hands on your belly.
- Imagine that there is a balloon in your belly.
- Breathe in slowly and feel your balloon fill with air as it raises your hand. Now breathe out slowly and gently let the air out of your balloon. (Repeat several times).
- Option: Add visualization by having children close their eyes, imagining the size and color of their balloon. Ask them to “see” their balloon. What color is it? How big is it?
- After children are competent doing “belly breathing” lying down, occasionally have them practice being able to do it standing up.
Sigh Breathing
- This is a great way to relax quickly. Children often like to exaggerate the sound of their sigh as the air leaves their bodies.
- Directions:
- Breathe in through your nose. Hold it, hold it. Now sigh and let out all your air.
Elevator Breathing
- (After mastering balloon breath) Children will learn to isolate three areas—head, chest and abdomen.
- Directions:
- Start the elevator ride by breathing in through your nose. As you breathe out, feel the breath travel all the way to the basement, where your toes are. Breathe in and take your breath up to your belly. Hold it. Now breathe out all your air. Breathe in and take your breath up to your chest. Hold it. Now breathe out all your air. Now breathe in and take your breath up to the top floor, up your throat and into your cheeks and forehead. Feel your head fill with breath. Hold it. Now breathe out and feel all your troubles and worries leave your body and go out the elevator door.
Tip: Tell your students that they can do these breathing exercises anytime they are tired angry, or upset.
Creative Visualization (Imagery)
- Creative visualization is nearly second nature for children. It is certainly nothing new; for instance, “counting sheep” has been around for as long as any of us can remember.
- Today, because we have so many ready made images such as TV, computers, video games, etc, it’s very important to encourage and provide opportunities for children to use their imaginations. There are two types of creative visualization.
- One type is a fixed scene where the narrator provides the structure. In the second type, the child can come up with his or her own ideas or pictures. (Often this can be enhanced by listening to music.)
- At first I recommend that you provide the structure; your words and descriptions will take your child on an imaginary journey. Visualization improves with practice and eventually, your children will be effortlessly visualizing scenarios of their own choosing as they drift off to sleep.
- In addition to using visualization to help children relax and fall asleep, it can effectively help children in the following areas:
- to attain goals (Visualize self being successful)
- to overcome obstacles
- to increase self-awareness and overall quality of life
- Tips:
- Use a slow relaxed voice and try to involve all your child’s senses.
- Pause to let the scene “set” in your child’s mind.
- Lower your voice a few tones to create a more hypnotic, restful mood.
- Tie the visualization exercises into your studies or interests.
- For example, if your child loves butterflies, describe the beautiful butterfly and each of its parts while your son or daughter closes his or her eyes and “sees it.”
- Use emotive imagery. Personalize the story or scene so your child is in it. (Ask permission from your child first)
When to incorporate relaxation exercises:
- Transitions: Before falling asleep, when beginning and ending lessons and classes, after lunch, after a field trip, after vigorous activities.
- Decompression: Use it to calm and focus when anxious & stressed.
Other ways to relax:
- Music (creating, or listening)
- Art
- Reading
- Dancing
- Aerobic exercise
- Walking mantra-Children repeat their word as they play (5 yr olds for 5 minutes)
- Humor/laughter
- Play
- Stretching
- Yoga
Tips dalam kereta.. bagi buku.. hihihihi
Mari tolong Mommy. Xnak la jadi naga memalam.. X larat la nak jadi Mommy yang ‘penyabar’. T_T
Regards, Mommy Hannah Damia & Ariq Emir