Sesi melatih anak2 untuk elak GADGET ketika di luar/kedai makan especially.
Perkara ini WAJIB dilakukan setiap kali keluar. SETIAP KALI ok.
Not easy. Serius!
Untuk HD, no prob coz dia memang NATURALLY GILA SUKA activity cenggini.
Kalau kat rumah, HD akan dengan sendirinya pegi ambil segala buku aktivity untuk buat. Suh Mommy or Daddy ajar. Huu. Gigih anakku.
Ini antara items yang Mommy sediakan. Beli kat Mr DIY je..
dia conteng sekejap..
dia panjat kerusi baby.
GOOD SIGN maybe.
pray for us.
– Declaration of images are the intellectual or personal property of the blog owner; YB Shehan.
– Declaration of image usage is strictly prohibited without the written consent of the blog owner; YB Shehan. Failing which may result in possible legal action against the involved party using the image.
– Declaration of editing or removing the watermark on image(s) is strictly prohibited and automatically qualifies as breach of intellectual property of the blog owner; YB Shehan.