Bella Jamal, Top Malaysia Lifestyle Blogger that focuses on cuisine and modern living topics. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from the National University of Malaysia. As a part-time writer, Bella Jamal has authored several pieces on her enthusiasm for cuisine and contemporary living after a professional corporate career in the social media department of the country’s number one telecom. She is also a cat whisperer and enjoys writing about these fuzzy angels.
In 2016, she discovered her passion for blogging. In her school days, she competed in essay and writing competitions and this fueled her enthusiasm to write and share it on her blog which she titled ‘Ini Adalah Bellarina Natasya‘. Her teacher once told her that she will be successful in journalism or writing in general. She, on the other hand, ignored it and pursued her dreams in science.
After 5 years in the profession, she realised that writing is her actual love, especially after receiving positive comments on her culinary and pet pieces, which currently have 13 million views. The aforementioned articles may be found at
Writing is a labour that needs a great deal of focus and effort, but being acknowledged as a writer is even more difficult for Bella. Almost every time, she had to balance her time between her profession and her passion for writing. She repeatedly shows to herself that she can manage pressure.
When she initially started writing, it was disappointing to have people around her who discouraged rather than encouraged her, but patience is the key to success. Nowadays, being around by individuals who inspire her to keep moving ahead is really beneficial to her career.
Bella enjoys music in addition to writing and cooking. She listened to a wide range of music and adored one of her favourite musicians, Taylor Swift. She could hear practically all of her songs in her head since she could relate to them all. Each song has some significance for her. Taylor’s song motivated her to never lose oneself in difficult situations.
One of Miss Swift’s most inspiring words for Bella is ;
“you have to work for everything you get and you have to appreciate every bit of success the world gives you.”
From humble beginnings in the culinary world, her career has nearly gotten her to the top. Many people are now following Bella Jamal in search of inspiration. It has always brought out the best in her followers. Last year, she took a little step forward by releasing her first cookbook, “20 Malaysian Home Cooking Recipes.” Her blog post was converted into the book!!
What drives her motivation is the desire to inspire people with her culinary talent. She possesses a skill that she shares with her followers. The majority of the recipes given employ simply the most basic methods and ingredients, which are typical of Malaysian cooking.
The recipes, however, differ in flavour and appearance, despite the fact that the preparation is easy, quick, and excellent. Many busy housewives and working groups were drawn to this since it takes less time to prepare. Her recipes are often shared on Facebook and other social media sites.
Resepi Ayam Masak Sambal Hijau, which emphasised spiciness in Malaysian cooking, Cara Memasak Maggi Kari Sedap, which is the typical 5 minutes instant noodles with a twist of home cooking, and Resepi Masak Lodeh, which is one of the main dishes during festivals, are now attracting more followers to her site.
At the same time, Bella did not ignore the present trend of fast-paced global happenings. She attended the majority of the festivities thanks to an invitation that came in waves. She was frequently asked to provide a cuisine critique for newly launched eateries in Klang Valley.
She has attended beauty and lifestyle events hosted by some of the country’s biggest firms. Not to add, she was invited to luxurious entertainment events shown on national television, where she met some of her country’s well-known performers. This makes Bella happy since she is a major lover of the Malaysian entertainment industry; it’s a dream come true for her.
Besides, she’s a cat whisperer who loves writing about these adorable felines. The top post of Cara Bagi Kucing Makan Ubat articles discuss the simplest technique to deceive your cats into taking their medicine.
Upon the publication of her first book, the “20 Malaysian Home Cooking Recipes”, it quickly got recognition in the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards. Besides, it is also listed in the Autumn Harvest Food Culture 2020 & Winter Harvest Food Culture 2020 nominees for the next Gourmand World Cookbook Awards (2021).
Although the book is not selected for Best in The World Shortlist FOOD CULTURE 2021, Gourmand Awards 2021, Bella is delighted with the achievement of being listed for the renowned Gourmand World Cookbook Awards nominees and representing Malaysia. It is more than what she had hoped for when she began her journey. She already has many plans on how to venture further into the industry.
Congratulations, Bella!!!
Bella Jamal’s objective has always been to inspire others via her culinary concepts and to bring out the best in people. She is excited to share fresh ideas that will enable her to potentially thrive in the culinary industry. Bella believes that life is incomplete without the colours of food.
“I would encourage any young writer who feels compelled to write to do so.”
“Your intuition will tell you what to write.”
Bella Jamal, Ini Adalah Bellarina Natasya, 2023
Personally, Mommy suka attitude Bella Jamal ni sebab sangat responsif dan komited dalam kerjayanya sebagai blogger separuh masa. Pantas dalam apa jua tugasan yang diberikan walaupun terikat dengan kerjaya di bidang korporat. Tahniah dan semoga berjaya dalam apa jua bidang yang diceburi.
Baca : Teringin terbitkan buku koleksi kucing peliharaan sendiri