Moo Goo???
Who is Moo Goo Skincare – click here & read!
What happened on 15 Feb 2012?
As one of the admin of Asthma Allergies Eczema Support Group in FB, we r gathering to have a dinner with MooGoo, a natural skin care company based in Queensland, Australia. Details, please look at Also please join our group here , as we share on how to handle asthma, eczema, allergies
Ini antara gambar2 aksi malam tu.. dimana
Mommy berjumpa para ibu AAE group in FB & HSFFYB group in FB
Huahua.. Lambat tul nak hapdet [ada dlm draft, peram sampai masak mcm avocado..huuu]
Nak tengok lagi, sila ke album Mommy di FB [klik sini – open for public..ngeh2]
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